2013年5月27日 in 出口卖单公司
The company has many professional and senior business personnel, and has close relations with a number of airlines, It has the strong network in Japan, Korea, Europe, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Milan, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, North America and other major airports. So it has the ability to lower the price and quality service to import and export all kinds of air cargo.
At the same time, the company is directly provided with the air cargo center, ensure every large transport space, and through the network to monitor the arrival information.
The company has many professional and senior business personnel, and has close relations with a number of airlines, It has the strong network in Japan, Korea, Europe, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Milan, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, North America and other major airports. So it has the ability to lower the price and quality service to import and export all kinds of air cargo.
At the same time, the company is directly provided with the air cargo center, ensure every large transport space, and through the network to monitor the arrival information.
2.提供包括定舱、配载、提货、送货、拆装箱、内路运输、仓储、进出口报关、报检、保险在内的,门到门一站式服务。 3.为客户设计、建议最佳运输方案,承揽陆空、海空等多种联运方式,签发全程提单。 服务承诺: 速展凭借在国际贸易、运输领域的丰富经验,为广大客户降低物流成本,提高物流效率;突破区域和国界的限制,实现全球化物流服务;以信息化的管理,利用先进的网络技术和电子化的信息发布收集手段,实现对物流运行过程中各种信息的实时反馈和分析。 前景展望: 速展将在对市场动态充分把握的基础上,力争发挥自己的优势和经验,推出更新颖、更优质、更经济的服务手段,以方便客户,赢得市场。速展也期望通过您的支持,不断发展壮大,推行规模经营,进而实现进一步降低成本,让利于客户的目的。 速展真诚希望通过不断的努力,优质的服务为每一位客户的发展做出贡献,殷切期待同社会、同客户共同发展、共同进步、共同提高!
At the same time, the company is directly provided with the air cargo center, ensure every large transport space, and through the network to monitor the arrival information.
The company has many professional and senior business personnel, and has close relations with a number of airlines, It has the strong network in Japan, Korea, Europe, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Milan, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, North America and other major airports. So it has the ability to lower the price and quality service to import and export all kinds of air cargo.
At the same time, the company is directly provided with the air cargo center, ensure every large transport space, and through the network to monitor the arrival information.
2.提供包括定舱、配载、提货、送货、拆装箱、内路运输、仓储、进出口报关、报检、保险在内的,门到门一站式服务。 3.为客户设计、建议最佳运输方案,承揽陆空、海空等多种联运方式,签发全程提单。 服务承诺: 速展凭借在国际贸易、运输领域的丰富经验,为广大客户降低物流成本,提高物流效率;突破区域和国界的限制,实现全球化物流服务;以信息化的管理,利用先进的网络技术和电子化的信息发布收集手段,实现对物流运行过程中各种信息的实时反馈和分析。 前景展望: 速展将在对市场动态充分把握的基础上,力争发挥自己的优势和经验,推出更新颖、更优质、更经济的服务手段,以方便客户,赢得市场。速展也期望通过您的支持,不断发展壮大,推行规模经营,进而实现进一步降低成本,让利于客户的目的。 速展真诚希望通过不断的努力,优质的服务为每一位客户的发展做出贡献,殷切期待同社会、同客户共同发展、共同进步、共同提高!